Come into the Garden

By aprecious


"You cannot find peace by avoiding life."

Virginia Woolf

Maud: Pud, what you doing?

Pud: Nowt

Maud: Nowt? Can I play?

Pud: No!

Maud: Why?

Pud: Because you have dog's breath, you have no pause button, your middle name is Deirdre, you had your head down the toilet yesterday, you generally smell of poo and, most importantly, it works better if you do nowt alone

Maud: Can I do it over here, then?

Pud: You can do it wherever you want.

Maud: I want to do it really close to you.

Pud: (after a minute) What you doing?

Maud: Nowt...

Pud: And you can't even do that quietly.

I will never look at Maud's barley stick in quite the same way again. I'm going to suggest to Blip Central a special category for you girls. You know who you are....

After work, this evening I'm off to a restaurant/cafe called Red Triangle to say goodbye to a colleague who is off to Brazil to work for a year or so!

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