Axolotl .....

..... update.

Yesterday I mentioned that I bought some live food for my baby axolotls, so I thought I'd give you all an update of how they are doing.

I first blipped them back in the middle of January when they were unhatched embryos still in their eggs

and then a few weeks later when I was feeding them freshly hatched brine shrim everyday causing full bellies.

The axolotls are now a couple of months old, have sprouted legs and are walking around. Unfortunately some of the axolotls have less legs than they should as they are canibalistic whilst young and some have had legs eaten by their siblings. This dosn't mean a life of disability for them as they have the ability to grow limbs back. One of the axolotls that had a leg bitten off just after it sprouted has already grown a new one back, but the energy used to do this appears to have delayed the development of it's back legs.

The axolotls are now just over two inches in length and are being fed on live daphnia and bloodworm, as well as frozen bloodworm ( which is a lot cheaper ). They are still fairly young and need the food to move for them to be attracted to it, so when I'm feeding them the defrosted frozen bloodworm I have to impale it on a cocktail stick and wave it around in front of them, for them to bite.

This isn't the sharpest photo ever as it was quickly taken on my compact camera ( I need to get a macro lense for the DSLR ) and the axolotls tend to swim away when the camera gets close to them. I'm now off out for cake night at Mr M's this evening, so today's blip has been a quick .....

..... Axolotl update

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