Day Today

By Feathers14

And The Prize For Best Son In The World Goes To...


Alternative blip title for today is: The day I almost bought a Maoam for £1... Read on to find out why!


Dear Mum, please please please forgive me for this incredibly bad photograph. I have much nicer pictures of you. I hope you can forgive me, I'm your favourite son, after all.

Today was T-Day... Time to travel back from Coventry to home. A panic, a bus, a train, a very entertaining tube ride, another train and a walk. I finally arrived home.

The tube: Ah yes. One of those moments that makes you go 'people and the world are awesome.' T'was midday on the tube so most people were wearily travelling from the office to lunch, or to catch their connecting trains. Behind me in the carriage I hear "Oh c'mon people, I'm not drunk!" My heart sinks. Another drunken lout on the tube to add a bit of misery and unnecessary bother to everyone's already strenuous ordeal. How wrong I was...

Turns out that 'Tom' wasn't drunk. Armed with a guitar - and not a care in the world about what other people on the train thought of him - he started taking requests and singing (rather well, I add) a medley of songs. We got talking and after requesting Coolio, Gangster's Paradise had a chat about what he was up to and how much he loves his 'job' of entertaining London's travellers. It's arguably the best job in the world as he earns exactly what he's worth and put a smile on a lot of people's faces. The best £1 I ever spent. Ever. He offered me a maoam in return but I couldn't accept (The Lent Game; I don't really eat sweets; someone else would enjoy it more).

Anyways. I got home and then began the waiting game. At 7pm Mum walked through the door and surprise surprise, I was there! See, I hadn't actually told her that I was coming home, only Dad was in on the rouse. Only yesterday she'd been telling her friends how she can't get her son to come home and then ta-da!!! Here I am. Given the bag full of dirty washing she might be regretting ever muttering those words, but I'm sure she loves it, really!

The evening was just a very nice evening talking with Mum & Dad, catching up on life and 1/2 watching a documentary on Pompeii.

TL;DR: (It's been a while since I've had to write one of these!)

Travelled home; great tube ride talking to someone who clearly loves life; surprised Mum by turning up at home; nice evening with Mum & Dad



The picture: God, I really am sorry, Mum! You don't have any eyes in this picture, it's grainy, out of focus and just generally a bit shit. I wish from the bottom of my heart that the picture was as nice as the surprise, however, whilst I may be your favourite son, I'm far from perfect :P

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