Before & After (Now with WidWed results)

A diary blip as we spent the morning with 'Keep Kineton Beautiful' cleaning up leaves from the path between the church and the primary school field.  Thankfully, we only found one piece of litter (a cigarette packet) and one discarded dog-doo bag. Not bad considering the path is used by many of the children walking to or from school and most of the dog walkers for the rest of the day.   Aside from 10 minutes chain saw action (not me) this was all rakes, brooms & pulling up weeds. 

This is a mis-quote or joke isn't it?
UK political point scoring gone astray?
52,000 new infections today .... what are they thinking???

As ever - Wide Wednesday turned up some imaginative entries and there were some great interpretations of the theme.

Wide Wednesday Results:

Favourites to:
1.       ChrisP – Windows 1800

2.       RockArea – Barns Barns Barns and walls and hills too!
Be sure to go large and see the extras for some of Yorkshire’s finest scenery

3.       Jensphotos – wine country
Drone images in the extras too.

4.        Serious Frolic – several different repeats shapes/colours etc in one image

5.       BrianBlip – Windows 17 – vertical and horizontal repeats

Honourable Mentions to:

6.       Mambo – Railway platforms

7.       Rainie – imaginative use of an indoor item

8.       DonnaWanna – interesting use of image editing

9.       Sheol – sunshine on Bath’s Cavendish Crescent

10.   Technophobe – reflections as repeats

Special Mention to:
          AH14 in monochrome – contemplating those fuse boards?

Next week is your last time having to put up with me,  normal service with Bob will resume in two weeks.
The next three tags and themes are here on the community pages.

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