and did I see some tiny snowflakes or were they just blown away from the leaves? Too cold for a walk. So I started to make some order in the shelves in the garage when, standing upon a ladder I heard a strange sound, I descended quickly and discovered that the whole
(at this moment I go to get my dictionary to look for some translation and to my surprise I see it snowing, little flakes true enough, but still...)
open cupboard, that goes from wall to wall almost, had collapsed to one side. Happily enough it landed against a wall and could not fall further but it was a strange sight, the shelves lopsided.
I stood flabbergasted and wondered. A large open cupboard with many shelves that stood five years firmly and decided suddenly to give up?
A mystery to me.
I could only start to take everything out of it and when that was done asked Mischa to help me to put it straight again and think about a solution.
Two slats and a beam later I have it fixed and can put everything in a better order back.
Now I am not only tired of the weather but also of the job done.

My haiku:

My acrobat my
Little Tit since so many
Days my visitor

And the proverb by Byron:

I wishe she/he would explain her/his explanation.

I put a new post on my website. You can read it here: here.

Thanks to mischa for all her work updating my website!

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