
Well, I was working hard in my garden yesterday despite the wind, cold, and rain....not finished yet. Having another go today...using the cut down branches and bamboo and natural vegetation in my try and achieve my aim...

Came back in and had a long sleep hugging my radiator...

Creative today...well, the repeat order of those lovely calligraphy pens I liked the other day, we're not as I expected. They were not the same. But they were the same as the actual  photographs on the Amazon site. So, this set is another make, has 5 pens, not 6. But it does have the refill ink, and these pens do come apart. Although I don't recommend doing this in bed. Fortunately I have an old brown electric blanket over everything...

These are blacker, the lines it makes are crisper. And here is my try out with them...

I have to go now. The promised rain has not materialised. Mr Christmas Lights Insensitive Ignoramus neighbour has just gone out in his car...

No, I am not going on his property. I would not do that. But I do like to work outside on my property when he is not openly watching and leering at me. It is a good job J is not here (he died 12 years ago).  And J was a peaceful person, nothing would rile him, but if he had seen next door leering at me.........

I am working wonders with all my cut bamboo, and the branches off my oak trees where those brown autumn leaves stay attached to the branches for months even after being cut...

Maybe I will tell you all in a wee while what I have been doing last few days so I can go in my garden and watch the night sky in tranquility while Blackpool Illuminations are strobing away next door. All is not well in the State of Denmark seems there is the war of Xmas lights going on in this road. It is not impacting on me, so don't worry there, my strategies and screening for my bedroom is still working absolutely brilliantly. I don't even have any Xmas lights outside my house...

Have fun today. Do try not to upset anyone...

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