Discarded thing

I called it an old engine here. I guess it is. Dad will know.

And it's here because?.....

The empty section over my back fence is left by the property developer to become its own wilderness. I went over and waded through triffids and their cousins to my fence. I've hacked and chopped the triffids, Jasmine and whatever else was creeping through and strangling my plants.

The old engine/discarded thing sits in the long grass.

I've enjoyed another day off today. I finally actioned the blood test form that's been kicking around in my bag. I tidied downstairs by chucking my tramping gear on the spare bed and closing the door ;-)

A fine nana-nap in the afternoon, followed by a catchup on the phone with Mum and Dad.

Friends for dinner tonight round out what has been a very nice Easter break.

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