Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Gun dog in action

Packed the car up this morning and left to head home. Don’t like leaving mum on her own in the house and I’ll be glad once she moves out. She was going to take uncle M home this afternoon. Weather wasn’t great on the drive over to see P & G at their field so they could do some training with Darwin. It was good to catch up and have a glass of fun free mulled punch and a mince pie. They said Darwin was doing better which was nice to hear. He had a great time in the field doing some gun dog training over some small jumps. Kilda also did well doing some find it and running around with her brother. Left them to get home, stopped off at Tebay services to get some food for tonight and managed to get home for 7.30pm. Fed and walked the dogs, fixed the Sky box and settled in for the night. Our friend’s mum and brother were using our house while we were away and it was nice to come back to a clean house and some thank-you presents.

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