
By Bowen


So this is a back blip, but only by about 30 hours or so. Yesterday December 30th the community just west of me caught fire. Normally by now it's snowed at least enough to remind us that it is winter here in Colorado, even along the front range. It has been so incredibly dry that it doesn't feel like winter at all. Yesterday because it's been so dry a fire started actually not far from my home. With the fire we had winds blowing over 100 miles per hour, a perfect storm for devastation. The fire blazed through the night entirely destroying a town called Superior near by and its neighbor Louisville isn't much better off. Both towns are still evacuated. Last I heard over 500 homes are gone, totally gone and that's a conservative number. The evacuation zone was about a mile and a half from me straight west. I did come home from work and packed the car with clothes, photo albums, dog food, important paperwork...what do you take? Really I had resolved that the dogs and I were the most important and I was ready to leave if needed. I'm one of the lucky ones, my house and in fact the town of Lafayette where I live is totally unscathed. No lives have been reported lost either at this point which seems a miracle to me. The photo for today seems an important one to mark, it's a photo taken with my phone looking west past my house to the plums of smoke just before nightfall. I'm incredibly grateful to be as lucky as I am, a while town was not as lucky. Boulder County is about to be in dire need of all the help it can get. If you are able to, you can find out how to donate by going to they have multiple ways you can help.

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