
By Bowen

Snow, so thankful for snow

The Marshall fire as they are calling it is well in hand in no small part to the fact that we finally have snow. So many families are now homeless to start the new year. I also heard that the actress Betty White died today. 2021 was rough and isn't going out lying down. On a happier note this snow storm is being good and productive, it's no where near the snowfall we need to even attempt to catch up on the water needed but it will help. This is the first snowfall for the puppies who are now almost 9 months old. Really not puppies but still my puppies. They love the snow! They wouldn't come in for a good long while the first outing. The yard looks like children having been playing all over it, they didn't leave much unexplored. They were out long enough that Persephone needed to warm bath rinse to melt the snow balls out of her undercarriage so she could walk! The second time out I was able to get them back in before water intervention was needed, just a toweling off. These are the partially melted faces that came back in.

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