Water off a swan's back.

Swans two days running I'm afraid. I made another expedition to the ponds today, in the rain along the very, very muddy path.  The swans came up close enough for me to spot how the rain was beading on the cygnet's feathers in sparkling drops. Lovely.
The extra is part of a large clump of fungus. My iNaturalist app identified it as stump puffball, Lycoperdon pyriforme.  I think I prefer it's alternative name of Wolf-fart Puffball. In today's blip learning I found this website:
https://picryl.com/media/wolf-fart-puffball-stump-puffball-lycoperdon-pyriforme-71d709 , which says:
The name comes from lycos meaning wolf and perdon meaning to break wind; thus the name literally means wolf-farts.

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