La vida de Annie

By Annie


No, it's not me doing more damage to myself, although I do have the same Tshirt...
Friend S managed to trip and fall while walking her dog Jessie on Monday, and broke her right collar bone in 3 places - the ends were sticking out apparently. She now has a metal plate holding it all together, can't use her right arm and will be off work for a while, which is a good thing in my book as she puts so much effort into it and gets exhausted.

I'm sorry for her pain and the trauma involved, but on the bright side there are a number of pluses:

+ She gets time off work to rest and recuperate
+ All the people who have come to depend on her will have to learn to cope without her
+ She has to put herself first for once
+ It will take others' minds off their own problems for a while

and, most importantly, with her unable to go to today's Fat Club -

+ I got the Slimmer of the Week award (although a little bending of the rules was involved). She has been going great guns with the weight loss each week, whereas I have just been losing tiny amounts. That has to be a good reason to maim yourself for a friend, surely?

If you look closely at the bottom right of the image, Jess's apologetic paw is just visible.

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