Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Harbour light

A quiet day today. We headed out after lunch to the fish shop at Newhaven to buy tomorrow's dinner. Had a cup of tea in the Loch Fyne
Haven't been for a wander in Newhaven for ages, but paused by the wall barometer which is behind its wooden door. Checked out the lobsters in Welch's they looked a good size. I bought some of their home made tartare sauce which is my sauce of choice with fried haddock - for salmon it has to be my own home made hollandaise, I love the sharpness.
The boats on the harbour had various ports of registration, but of the two wee fishers in the foreground, the nearest was from Leith, so in its home territory, the red one though was from Wick, what a journey to make on such a wee boat. Its 280 miles by road and probably similar by sea, but the seas can be very rough. For those in peril on the sea! It's looking at little boats like this which brings home the risks that are taken to put the food on my table.
I popped over to the dancewear shop in Corstorphine again to pick up Isobel's cardigan. The sunset at in my extra was quite spectacular. The view from the top of Clermiston Hill was remarkable although this is along St John's Road.
We watched the end of Phileas Fogg this evening. I have enjoyed it, a joyous romp of highlights, I'll miss it.
Keep safe folks, it's so good to see the numbers dropping. I choose not to mention BJ as it just makes me cross. I do feel for those who have personal reasons to feel angry about the situation too. Saying sorry does not make it any better especially when he actually means, 'sorry I was caught' .

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