Nature Grunge

Held off a Blip as due snow, but it was just fleeting passing, causing nothing more than a wet step & leaves. Maybe later when I'm no looking.

Afterwards, a quick wander of the garden & spotted this bulb shoot growing thru the leaf carpet. Thought it had a real grunge look, maybe could have sharpened the shadows a bit but okay I think.

Managed to finish 2nd wing of bee then tidied up the loose ends on the back. Will need to plan best way to fill in the background colour before doing next bit.

Finished mounting 2 Xmas Cards that were made. Need to find a box to hold a few Xmas things to store away. None of the boxes seem to be the right size either too small or far too big.

Feeling good that done some craft stuff.

Watched a bit of the opening ceremony of Winter Olympics in China. Might watch some of the ice hockey, curling & biathlon. See what else might take my fancy when nothing else doing.

Think the rugby is on this weekend, but not sure if on TV Freeview.

Have a good weekend.

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