This is Tino having a great big yawn.

Had a quiet day today just pottering about. Until 5pm - then I went to Slimming World. I lost 2 pounds this week. ( Total weight loss 5½ pounds )

It has been freezing cold again today. There is so much I need to do in the garden - digging plants and shrubs out where the new cat enclosure is going to be built - hope the weather will warm up a bit soon so I can get on with things.

Neil's flight from Paris landed at 9.20pm. He is staying with his friend tonight so I will have to wait till tomorrow to see him.

Neil's flight landed at 9.20pm but he and his girlfriend were NOT on it. He has just phoned me at 10.30pm. The flight was over booked so they have been put up in a hotel for the night and will fly home on the first flight tomorrow. He seems quite laid back about it even though he will be late for work tomorrow. I have to ring his work in the morning to let them know.

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