Green shoots

The pointy leaves of wild garlic and bluebells are poking up in our garden's most shady and unsightly corner. It's next to the compost bins, between a line of fencing and two walls. Both of them seem perfectly happy with the location, and it's great to see them coming up now.  It makes me look forward to woodland walks later in the spring, to see much bigger expanses of both of them. 
Today I caught up with Greek practice, and otherwise just enjoyed quiet  times in the house and garden until early afternoon. Then I went to pick up Eben as usual, for his swimming lesson. There is no sign of either Eben or Luca having Covid, and so, under current rules and policies, Eben can still go to school and to the swimming pool.  Ruth and Josh will keep testing each day for the moment, in case either lad does develop Covid.

And each day brings another sorry tale from and about Johnson et al.  Now there are news reports that even wealthy donors to the Tory party are getting restless. That might force the issue.

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