More hints of spring

Another quiet day: some sorting out of files on the laptop, a haircut, a chat with an old friend on Zoom. 
I think I've blipped these little cyclamen before, but they're such a source of pleasure - so here they are again, still going strong in a part-shady patch of the bank in the garden.
It's year 8 in this house and garden, for us, and I'm still discovering what works or doesn't work on the overgrown rockery that forms about a quarter of the garden at the back. Underneath the bank are the remains of the nineteenth century terraced houses that were here until the mid-1970s, when a slum clearance programme had them demolished. Our house was built much later, in the early '90s.
So the bank has great drainage but just a thin layer of rather poor soil. Half of the bank bakes in the sunshine, when there is some, and the other half catches a mix of deep shade and sunshine.
I try different options in different locations, and I slowly sift out the keepers. Or perhaps more accurately, the plants make it clear to me which group they are in.
These little beauties have found a spot where they're happily spreading; they're definitely keepers.

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