An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Simple pleasures...

The sun shone today and the outside temperature was pleasant.  Cool but no biting cold and some heat in the sun.

After lunch I took some photos of my crocheted gift for baby Jack and noticed how much the colours in the yarn remind me of the Ukrainian flag.  Something I didn't notice when I bought the yarn at the start of the year, basically because I didn't know then what the Ukrainian flag looked like.  Ignorance really was bliss.  

Such a horrific situation.  The scenes on the news are unbearable.  I hope the mad man in the Kremlin can be stopped before he can inflict more damage.  And the UK Government needs to do more to help refugees seek asylum.  Fruit picking indeed.  Disgraceful!

I sought solace in the garden.  So lovely to see signs of spring all around.  The snowdrops are in full bloom and the crocuses are pushing through.  I was happy to see the tubs of perennials I planted last summer have, on the whole, survived the winter.  A couple are looking a bit sad but I am hoping it's just a bit early in the season and there's still time for them to spring into life.

As I went round the garden I made a mental note of all the jobs needing done (David was afraid of that ;-) and was happy to see the Gin Palace looking bright and cheerful.  Not long till it will be time for its spring clean and the Grand Opening 2022. 

Watched a programme with Chris Packham called The Walk that made Me.  I hadn't planned to watch it, it just followed on from whatever had been on, but I am so glad I saw it.  A gentle and very moving hour spent in the company of an interesting and complex man.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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