Turning Ugly

So it started a lot warmer today as it was a good old Northerly and there was no question of frost. The Boss slept in. I visited him early and checked that he was still there. He was but he was awake to me and I didn't make neck contact. The Bossess wasn't but then he appeared and I seemed to have missed the shower noise and all that. On further research I hadn't missed it at all...he hadn't had it 'Cos he had decided on a hair cut and as he HATES hair down his back, which seems to happen regardless of Steve's best intentions, so the plan was to return to the shower after. Oh glad that is all sorted so I went back to sleep after Bgrub too.
By lunchtime (his) it was blowing really hard but with a big wind behind him The Boss can really throw sticks a looong way so we went out and it wasn't until we got all the way to Waterfall Creek, without the waterfall, well no, actually there is a waterfall but it is way back up stream, and up mountain too which confuses the daylights out of assorted tourists who walk the track expecting to find one, waterfall that is, and there isn't. Errr where was I...OH YES that was where The Boss got this image.
Hey...SEE THE DOG!!!

It was while the photography was going on that I first looked up and noticed the sky.
Turning ugly I barked and The Boss agreed so we returned down the beach, sticking all the way.


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