Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Making a Film

is just about the best fun you can have

On Monday and Tuesday I am directing my Personal Project Module Film for my Film Course.

It will be shot on2 cameras - indoors- and is entitled Salvador Dalliance. It will be a monologue acted by my son and it is a dark, dramatic rumination on the concept of time and how we are all slaves to it. It is a speculative dialogue by Salvador Dali as he plans his creation The Persistence of Memory

See my blip here where I made my presentation on

Today (Saturday) I had a swim at daybreak in the cold sea - - a delicious breakfast - and a lash down to Dun Laoghaire to the charity shops to get a 3 piece suit for my son (waistcoat necessary for his pocket watch)

I placed a post on FB Bray Open Forum for a man’s pocket watch on chain (this is an important prop for the dialogue) and got several helpful replies from the great people of Bray)

I have the script finalised and directions to camera orator made out as we were taught to do

As you can see I look a bit tired in this photo. I had just parked in Deansgrange Library to print out 4 copies of script, shot sequence, lighting and sound instructions to crew and just been told all IT is down and am wondering where to go to get this done. Holy Moly. (Did Kubrick have these same probs -ha ha

And La Belle Époque is on bbc4 at 9 - def watching it

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