An Experiment

I'm feeling a bit fidgetty and bored right now, like I want to lash out and try something a little bit different!

It probably has something to do a lot to do with the fact that I have been sitting at my desk most of this week, catching up on paperwork for our main business, which I neglected to do whilst in the thick of working in my own business during summer!

I've been going positively cross-eyed with writing and looking at the computer screen for hours on end. I even missed adding my blips for the last two days, but I have done so now with ~ Wednesday's blip and Thursday's blip.

What I have done here is taken a photo of a photo taken two years ago, just for a change of pace, and scenery.

Hobbs may recognise this place. He is constantly inspiring me with his fabulous photos of The Blue Mountains and surrounding areas, making me wish I could just drop everything and go down there for a quick visit! Trouble is, if I went there, I wouldn't want to come home! The mountains are right in the middle of the most colourful season of them all, leaf-wise at least, as the autumn leaves change colour and drop to the ground.

I love this old bridge, the Victoria Bridge which takes traffic over the Nepean River and to The Blue Mountains, along the old Great Western Highway. As you can see, this is the underside of the bridge, with the roadway to the left and the railway line to the right, with the afternoon peeking through as it sets over the mountains.

Like I said in the title of this entry, it's an experiment, but it gave me a change of pace and took me to a place where a part of my heart still resides.

Happy weekend blippers! I will progressively catch up on everyone's journals as my eyes straighten out! :))

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