a town called E.

By Eej

A few things ...

... kept this week from the biggest bag of SUCK the world has ever seen:
1. Yesterday's ticket-booking
2. Today's weigh-in

The rest was beyond foul.

There was work, which I'm not going to talk about because I will explode with frustration.
And then I am still very upset over the recent changes on Blip and I'm urging anyone reading this from outside Blip to NOT give out their email address after browsing 10 entries. If you were inclined to have a browse around anyway.
I am not a Blip sales person and I dislike the fact that my Blips could be used in any such way - but what I really hate is how we wouldn't even have known this was happening if it wasn't for some browsing non-Blippers who realised things had changed.
I signed up for/to an open community, not a fenced in one.
It's like in this photo - you are walking along, looking at the trees, enjoying yourself and suddenly you can't go any further because the puddle says it needs your email address. "For statistics"
Uhm. No.

There's a petition here.

I don't believe for a second things will change back, unfortunately and I'm thinking about moving house.
If I don't get banned first :)

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