Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Not a well cat.......

......had a sleepless night with the senior cat last night, suddenly old-age and an as-yet undiagnosed, previously unsuspected ailment (possibly terminal) has caught up with him, he's gone rapidly downhill over the last 24 hours.....he's now in the local animal hospital for tests and I'm waiting for a's hard to think that he might not be coming home......

UPDATE....Just had a phonecall from the vet.....the first results are mainly negative, so not leukemia/diabetes/renal failure, he's on a drip to rehydrate and they're compensating for lowish potassium levels.....he's in overnight until the thyroid results come in.....all of this isn't necessarily good news of course, if they don't find anything reasonably easy-to-fix it would mean much more invasive procedures....a path I won't be going down.....

UPDATE 2......the worst of news and decisions to words......

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