Come into the Garden

By aprecious


And the blip celebration today goes to...

(rustle of gold envelope, camera pans to other household pets looking tense, ready with their 'it should have been me face'...)


Maud .... (and Pud)

Maud: I'd like to thank my mother, Foxy and my father, Patch for bringing me into the world. And my brothers and sisters (including Alfie)for snuggling up with me when we were palm-size and letting me be dominant, a habit I struggle to undo... And I'd also like to heart Stacey, my first human, who called me Puppy Number One and spoilt me rotten... I'd like to thank aprecious and Snotty for being there for me through all my puppy shenanigans (and all my sheer naughtiness phase) and sticking with me and Pud for just being ginger and pudding-like and I'd like to thank all the other cats for dossing, for being boring sleeping all the time and making an excellent backdrop. Finally, I'd like to thank you for reading and all that. And Blip for being generally ace.

And I'd really like world peace...

Pud: I'd like Maud to shut up :) Thanks.

I haven't managed my 365 consecutively - life got in the way but I still wanted to do it because 365 photographs from someone who only ever took pictures of drama workshops before this (they all looked exactly the same!) is no mean feat - for me. I thought I'd make an appearance today - I am pathologically wired to pull daft faces so you're lucky I'm not gurning...

I have loved writing the blog. I blame my mother and father for the sense of humour and you can too. I would also just like to say thank you so much for all your comments, stars, hearts over the year and all the rest - the laugh, the craic and the support (the stuff that really matters)...I appreciate it.

We've had a blast.

The one that's really your favourite

Snotty's favourite

One of my favourites

My other favourite

It is gratifying to know that the person I give most comments to returns the favour. You know who you are Cailleach

I am not surprised by the other folk in the stats...either those whose journals I comment on the most, or who comment on mine the most. I won't shame you by mentioning you by name - you all spend too much time on blip - I'm not surprised though, it's a lovely place! (GK an honourable and deserved mention - you are in the only person who features on all four lists identified in the stats page!) Suffice it to say, I have made some genuine connections here that have enriched my life and I am grateful. And I thank you for that.

The first person ever to comment on my journal and subscribe was jenceng - thank you. This made a huge difference to me.

The person who introduced me, but who no longer blips cathintheattic - and that's a shame because she's fab.

(Oh yes, and we'll still be here tomorrow. I maybe a bit in and out sometimes - but we've swims to track, and probably some terrible punning and poor excuses for jokes to share with you all. You don't get off that lightly!)

There are a lot of discussions about Blip Central in the blogs at the minute, worth a read and a response if you've time. But this is still an extraordinarily decent and friendly forum and something of great value, and I certainly appreciate it.

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