Oxford Wander

Becky and Euan cycled to Nursery this morning and Rob off to work.  Euan was moving up in to another class today so Becky wanted to check he was okay.  Judging by the photo of him having found a ladybird in the garden later on, he was quite happy in the new room.

We did a few jobs around the house and then took the pretty, quieter way in to the city to have a leisurely cuppa and pastry at The Bakery.  Their selection of pastries is something to behold.  From there we wandered through the town, calling in at Blackwells (can never pass a bookshop!)  I embarrassed myself by fidgeting in my wallet for my 'Waterstones' card to have the very pleasant woman on the till gently remind me I was in Blackwells and not Waterstones!  We then had a conversation about which Jellycat toy she should buy for her new nephew.  She was tempted to go for the whale as nephew's name is Jonah, an unusual name for a child I thought, but perhaps the whale was too big for a very small baby.  Her Mum had also told her not to go for the expensive end of the Jellycats.

Tony reappeared and we were off to the Botanical Gardens.  It was good to get away from the touristy hustle and bustle of the City and wander around the flower beds.  There is not a great deal of colour to see as yet and we will have to return if we do a summer visit to the family.  There was a whole row of different blossom trees all planted on behalf of a mix of Health Ministers from different countries.  The prettiest one, sadly, was Matt Hancock's!

We meandered out of the walled garden and alongside the River Cherwell to view the glass house plants when this punt came by at a sedate pace and I decided this would be my blip. 

We are in charge of Euan this evening as both Mum and Dad have works' dinners.  This will be a first!

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