Well that's a Surprise!

Winter briefly returned today and it was glorious when we opened the curtains to reveal the snowy village.  We had planned to take the train in to Leeds to sort out our holiday tickets.  The woman in the travel centre was very helpful, as they are quite complicated, but we came away without tickets because my senior railcard runs out half way through the holiday and I cannot renew it yet!  In compensation Tony finally bought a new hat and we had a snack and cuppas at Pret before getting the train home.

Leeds was very quiet and the number of empty shops was worryingly noticeable.  We walked up to Cotswolds but that has closed and been absorbed into Snow and Rock.  Rohan has completely gone.  Whilst Tony was looking at hats I was looking for new walking holiday tops but there was very little on display and I really didn't want to try anything on.  Back to online then!

We returned home to a surprise parcel, a jigsaw of Tony, Euan and I walking in the park in Oxford, thank you Becky.  I'll look forward to starting that this evening.  Jenny also surprised me with a cheese plant.  I had one when I was a young mum which outgrew the house and was donated to the art department at the school where I taught.  When Jen and Pete lived with us they brought their houseplants and I enjoyed having the greenery back in the house, so now I have one of my own to nurture.

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