Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


My main blip is my snakeshead fritillary which I'm very pleased with. I think I've had the plant for around 5 years now and it's becoming more splendid each year. They are such beautifully exotic flowers I always feel. I must keep an eye out for a white one to put with it.
The fritillary grows in what is really a spring bed, lots of flowers that like damp soil and don't need much sun. (see extra) Strangely, many are on the deep pink/purple colour palette. As well as the fritillary there is a Hellebore, Dicentra Spectabilis (bleeding heart) and some pink Primula. The blues are not all flowering yet, but there are some Muscari and some rather special Scilla from Binny Plants. Behind the fritillary are some sanguinaria or blood root, the flowers belie the gory named roots and are large, white and beautiful. A blipper, Annakuckat, I think, blipped some a number of years ago and I went on a quest to find them. The large leaves don't form until after they have flowered.
#1 daughter and family have made it to France. They left early enough(6am flight) to miss any airport delays, they did however miss their connection at CdeG. I thought it looked ambitious when I saw it. Fortunately though, both flights were Air France so they just put them on the next one, 2 hours later, and gave them some money for food. They are all quite happy. I don't know if I mentioned but Isobel only realised a couple of weeks ago that she would be skiing on snow and not on Hillend matting. She was very excited.
I went to see Ali and to entertain Josie while her mum cut the lawn. J was as cheery as ever. I came back home and planted the water lilies and took out and split the first clump of iris.
We've a busy day tomorrow, it's Palm Sunday, so we are going to relax this evening.

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