Desperately seeking

By clickychick

The Four Counties

Well, Ms Scarlet doesn't even know if she's on the right page but Mr Brown told Mr Black that we should turn left out of the marina then sharp right. That would start us off on the Four Counties Ring.

This morning I went to The Mates to plant out some sweet peas. By the time we get back from holiday they would have got too tangled. I got a bit frustrated this afternoon. I wanted to upgrade the broadband at the holiday lodge as our contract runs out while we are away. We now have To The Premises fibre and wanted to make use of this. It took me an hour on the phone with TalkTalk to get it arranged.

So, the three of us are nearly packed and ready for our adventure in the morning. Being last on the syndicate list for choices of weeks aboard Solace our weeks had to be close together but we have the advantage of first choice over spare weeks so we also have an August week.

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