Who would have thunk anybody could get excited about seeing a bee? means flowers are blooming, and little creatures are stirring.

Unfortunately...this picture was the highlight of my day.

At our second softball practice, it took me only 20 minutes to pull my hamstring. I was innocently trying to run down a line drive when I felt it go. Not a terrible pull...maybe a 4, with 10 being real bad. But...enough to get me off the field.

I think I may have to rethink the whole softball thing...using one of these 4 reasons.
A. I'm old, and my instincts and reaction times are gone.
B. I think my 2 and-a-half year old grandson could beat me in a 50 yard dash.
C. My muscles are taking an internal vote...and voting NAY...NAY...NAY.
D. All of the above.

I'm going with D.

I wanted to get right home, and get some ice on it, but I had an appointment to give a pint of blood. (They like my O-positive.)

What else could possibly go wrong?

The nurse didn't like either of my arms. (Too much scar tissue from them poking me too many times.) The first foray into my left arm failed. It wouldn't push out the blood. Another nurse was called in. "RIGHT ARM! YOU'RE UP!" The right arm worked fine, and within a few minutes...I was sporting a sticker that read...BE NICE TO ME. I JUST GAVE BLOOD.

We're off to dinner with Shelley (naturelover) and her husband. Maybe they will take the bees spot as the highlight of my day.

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