
Firstly, many thanks for all the lovely comments yesterday. I wanted to list my favourite blippers as part of the blurb for my 700th. I didn't because I would have left someone important out. As it turned out I didn't need to. They are all present in the comments.

I went fishing this afternoon with my friend Brad. It was low tide and I knew the water would be very shallow but decided to go anyway. Yes, we ran aground on a sandbar. No big deal. I got out and pushed the boat to slightly deeper water while also pushing thoughts of stepping on a stingray, stonefish or crab out of my mind. At least the water wasn't cold.

The fishing was a bit average. We caught a few but nothing to write home about. I always feel sorry for people I take out on my boat when the catch is lean. I am quite happy to sit out there and soak up the atmosphere. I feel obliged to send friends home with a catch though.

It was a good idea to take a few beers with us. I wonder who thought of that?

Going back to the boat ramp at twilight was worse. The tide was lower and we ran aground on a mudbar. I duly jumped out again and sank up to my thighs in squishy mud. I was puffing and panting when I got us across that. To my own credit though, I made Brad stay in the boat.

Next time we go out at high tide. For a start the fishing is better.

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