Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

A&E not R&R

Doing this left-handed with one finger....had a little mishap last night, an ungainly roll during a playfight/tickling session with the drama queen granddaughter and I managed to dislocate my right shoulder (although it obligingly popped back into place in a sickeningly 'internal' sort of way when I flexed my arm....sorry, probsbly too much information there!) Anyway, being the stoical type (actually, it was more the thought of A&E on a Saturday night) I left a hospital visit till this morning. 2 hours later and I'm sporting a sling and an appointment card for the fracture clinic in the morning....remembered to take the camera though even if I had to get 'Nurse Daizy' to officiate on the trigger! Happy days!

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