Welcome return to the nurses

This morning I went for a scan at the Oswestry Orthopaedic Hospital at Gobowen.  When I went through the door I was met by an friend and ex work colleague who is volunteering as a meeter and greeter (and to make sure that everyone is wearing the hospital issue masks). It was lovely to see her and have a quick chat.

By the entrance doors are these beautiful sculptures of nurses from the past.   

They were made in the 1950s and used to hang from the walls in the old nurses home that used to stand on the site and was demolished in 2011.  The taller one was modelled on Sister Saxon, a theatre sister appointed in 1949 and the smaller one on Student Nurse Elspeth Scott James.  

Since then they have been in storage but have recently been repaired and renovated and reinstated in a prominent place.  They look beautiful amongst the greenery and a great reminder of the history of this famous hospital.

Afterwards I went into Oswestry and managed to catch the last two games of bowls in the park. I then did some shopping in town and had a tasty cheese and salad sandwich at F's house.

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