
Shhh, discover the quiet within your center...the quiet that eases all unrest.  It’s there.  Music helps you find it.

The music begins…the band sets a tone; you find yourself floating on a cloud, floating in space beyond time and the material world.  Thoughts become musical bubbles, they rise, they carry you away, drifting on a gentle breeze as if you had embarked on a Breathing Machine

Yet Engine now Quieto can rock it!  Suddenly you are Falling From the Sky and you can’t help yourself, your inhibitions take a back seat…you are up.  You are dancing!

Surreal metaphysics
One audience member, Ricardo, said to me afterward, “What do you do with all the love they set free in your soul?  How do you express these feelings without being obsequious, unctuous, a toady?

How? We are so earth-bound.  We lack the words to describe the event … ineffable.  We give gratitude…just this moment, these moments right now, are enough.

* Doorway Duo (Alejandro and Pierre)
* Sound Check 
* Robespierre (Pierre and Robin) opened the concert. They are very popular in France.  Robin wore his pink suit.  It was a give away from a Parisian theater company going out of business.
She's a Loner
Goodbye Bongos

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