
By samsticks

Birthday Cheese

We had a nice relaxing morning today - we were up before seven because Miles was ready, but at least he was in a better mood today than he has been this week. We think he's been having a developmental 'spurt' - Gina's done some reading and apparently it's something called the 'Wonder Weeks', where the baby learns new things and gets grumpy because of it. Personally I think that's the biggest misnomer ever - 'Wonder Weeks'? More like Wailing Weeks! Anyway, he seems to be out of it again today, so hopefully we've got the smiler back for a while.

One of our friends Kris turned 31 today, so we went over for a barbie and a get together. There are so many new children in our friend group that babies were being passed around all over the place. It was like a creche. With beer. :) Kris is a dedicated home brewer as well, and I happily sunk some of his porter - so much better than mine, but he kindly donated some dextrose so hopefully I'll get a brew on with Patch tomorrow.

The barbie was bring a plate - Gina, in her eternal wisdom, opted for something with minimal preparation but maximum yumminess. We brought the cheese. :) We love cheese, and head to Cardimone's, the italian deli round the corner where there's an entire wall of cheese fridges. We ended up with Gorgonzola, a King Island double brie, a dutch smoked and (my favourite) an English stilton. It went down a treat. I snapped this blip before it went, and someone had arranged the chalk board with a birthday message on it. Seemed fitting for today's offering.

Hope all's well in Blipland - see you tomorrow!

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