An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Three bridges over the Forth...

A very quick snap of the Forth Rail Bridge, Forth Road Bridge and the Queensferry crossing, taken on our way to Edinburgh to pick up Blip Pal P who will be staying with us for the final part of her Scottish adventure.  You can see what she's been up to here :-))

We arranged to pick her up outside The Ivy on St Andrew's Square and there she was waiting for us.  It is so great to see her.  I can't believe it is almost four years since she last visited.

Once safely in the car we headed out of the congested city to the Perthshire hills.  We went to Abernyte Antique and Arts Centre for lunch.  I knew Patricia would like it there as it's full of unusual things.  

We had a long wander after lunch, seeing many things that made us smile, made us curious and made us think what on earth?!  :-). 

Tucked in to a little corner, almost out of sight, Patricia found a vintage 1970s Ratty (from Wind in the Willows) made by Gabrielle Designs (turns out Gabrielle is Jeremy Clarkson's mum!). He (Ratty, not Jeremy :-) is one of her favourite characters and she had a meal at Badger and Co, the former home of Kenneth Grahame the author of Wind in the Willows, so she had to buy him.  The saleswoman told her that he'd just arrived in the place yesterday, so it was definitely fate that brought him to Patricia :-)

We bought a framed antique map of Harris and Lewis from the 1840s some vintage white linen placemats, perfect for my afternoon teas :-)

Headed home to let Patrica get settled in.  We exchanged gifts (I kept Patricia's Christmas gift to give it to her in person) and she gave me the most wonderful bottle of Kirkjuvagr Orkney Beyla gin.  It is in the most beautiful bottle (another that will have fairy lights put inside it when it's empty :-) and a beautiful little handmade friendship book that she had made herself.  David received the cutest little Nessie drinks cooler (you pop her in the freezer then into your drink to cool it) and some Highland Park whisky.  Lola got a beautiful bandana which she was happy to model :-))  She also brought Alan the most amazing long sleeved t-shirt with a Maine woodland design.  He will love it!  Thank you P!  You are so kind!

David headed out to his singing rehearsal and P and I had a leisurely dinner.  So lovely to catch up with her, but of course the bulk of our conversation was about the current state of the world today and certain world leaders. But now we have our frustrations on that subject out of the way, the rest of conversations will be more lighthearted! 

So lovely to have you here Patricia and I can't wait to be a tourist in my own area!  :-)

Extra pic shows some of the things that caught my eye in the Arts and Antiques Centre.  David liked the 1960s telephone table as his mum had one just like it! Lola is modelling her bandana and look at our lovely gifts :-). HareBrain I saw the hares and thought of you :-)

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