a town called E.

By Eej


Some birds feel the need to be all hysterical around me and I don't know why - do they sense the hysteria in me and are they just responding to it? This one went particularly crazy. In his defence: I was trying to copy his exact sounds so he may have thought I was a massive navy & yellow-winged (my raincoat) competitor.


I have always wanted to be the kind of person that gets up early to do active things, like running. Generally, the enormous amount of sleep I need gets in the way of that but today I got up at 7 and went. for. a .run.
*waits for the internet to regain consciousness*
Runkeeper was SO excited that it pinged me off streets I wasn't even close to and then said I had ran 5 k and broke all kinds of records. Yeah.


My brain is being fascinating; I've seen photos of the fire and of the aftermath. I've seen a video. I've read messages. Online newspaper articles. And amazingly enough, when I turn away from the computer my brain almost instantly says: "It was a mistake. It was at the neighbours." Not once, but pretty much every time. I've never experienced this kind of denial and it amazes me.

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