
By pattons6

Grumpy day

I have been a big grump all day today. Wouldn't eat porridge for breakfast, mummy eventually gave me fruit purée which was much better.

After breakfast we picked grandad up to go shopping. We needed to get me nappies, pillows, food and milk - all for me, of course. I had lunch while out, I was good and ate it up along with my medicine.

Once home, I was back in a grump. I was walking in my walker, but kept coming back to mummy to moan. Eventually at tea time I had a huge temper tantrum. Mummy said enough was enough. Gave me some ibuprofen, put my hot dinner away which I had sprayed over her several times and gave me more fruit purée. I started screaming and mummy screamed back, which I found really funny.

At bed time I was not going to bed on time. Nope I am protesting, not sure what about but I am protesting. I eventually fell asleep on daddy, woke up and then fell asleep finally on mummy.

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