Living my dream

By Mima

More rain

It actually stopped just before I took Bean for her walk after lunch, so I didn’t put her raincoat on. Inevitably it was pouring again by the time we got to the end of the road. To my surprise she didn’t mind getting wet.

The apple trees at S&N’s are all leafless now, and dripping wet.

I am still eating the apples though. They are keeping well in the cool store: wrinkly, but crisp and delicious.

A neighbour came round this morning, plonked herself down in a chair and announced she had a bad headache and was feeling miserable. She looked dreadful. She assured me it wasn’t Covid because she’d not been with anybody who has it. But then she told me she’d been in the pub three evenings ago, unmasked.

She didn’t get the chance to hang around after that. She was ushered politely but firmly out of the door and off the property within a couple of minutes.

Why aren’t people taking Covid seriously any more? And even if she doesn’t have Covid, I don’t want whatever she’s got.

I’m still shaking my head about it.

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