Final Colors

I took so few pictures through the day that my blip must be either this or a rather miserable shot of GG the cat.

These are the final colors before the clear finish coat goes on this part of the façade. I tried brilliant magenta and burnished copper for the face but there followed a string of comments about how some face colors made the cherub a of face of Hell, while this simple blue seems benign or angelic. I remembered how, in the HBO series ROME (which I have entirely memorized), plot threads often find a character invoking the "Gods Below." Here is one major example.

Paganism seems to me a more clear and vivid rendering of human psychology than any monotheistic religion. One prays to the deity whose skills and attitudes match the favor being asked. For Love and joy, pray up. For Hate, depression, or rage it's the other way. Since blue brings on happy thoughts it's fitting for the jewel in the crown of the house.

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