Mrs Fox

We had a good night's sleep last night having left the windows wide open and not drawn the curtains.  I woke at just after 5 a.m., got up and opened all the other windows, plus the conservatory door then went back to bed but decided not to go back to sleep, got up again, dressed and went out for a walk.

There were one or two people out with dogs and I saw a fox below the horse field, went round the corner hoping to see it but heard it barking as it moved up the field.  I went round the back of the now dry pond and was standing by the seat when I saw Mrs Fox walk the full length of the pond at a brisk trot.  If she saw me it didn't bother her but she did look very hot.

Round the back of the playing field I headed for the field margin looking for butterflies and to take a few more pictures of the grasses.  

Butterfly count = one brown argus, a small copper, a ringlet, a meadow brown and a gatekeeper.

When I got home at just gone 7 a.m. there was a willow warbler, a wren and juvenile robin on the fence so I sat in the garden with a glass of water, enjoying the shade, until JJ poked his head out of the bedroom window and I knew I could go and make a cup of tea and get changed.

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