an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


UT's main building enveloped in fog, some time before 9a on a friday.


so i don't have an excuse this time. i got more than a month behind, updating sucked, let me tell you. but here i am: redeemed or something. so what's happening? good question. what IS happening? well, where to start.


it's almost may and the weather here is unseasonable, much cooler than usual (not complaining) with wild temperature swings and more rain than we normally get. dressing for the day is a task unequalled: good luck.

grad school plods on with one more week of class and then a week of exams left now. between now and the end i have to do the following:

10-12 pg. term paper on original econometric statistical analysis
presentation on said analysis
final problem set for econometrics
final problem set for public financial management
6 pg. paper on volunteer management
10 pg. management case study analysis
exam on public financial management
exam on public management
exam on econometrics

actually typing it up makes it seem not so bad, but god, i can't wait until it's over.


i've had a rough semester, honestly. i've been sick on and off (investigations seem to suggest that it's stress related) and i think i still haven't gotten over the beginning of the semester, when alan's cancer returned. whatever, trying to take it one day at a time.

hoping that the summer will offer some sort of respite, and i'm taking one less class in the fall, so maybe. we'll see.

going to a funeral tomorrow (all day). not sure how i'll produce a blip out of that but i'm sure i can manage it. let's just concentrate on not falling behind.

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