I'm as tired as the most tired person in Tiredsville.

Truly, truly pooped.

A good work day - we have a new menu coming in May which means the area teams all need to be trained so they then train their teams. From someone who doesn't really 'do' puds, we have some amazing desserts......a very tasty start to the day.

The drive home from Bath was loooooonnnngggggg. I walked the dogs, changed the bed, got dinner on, swept and mopped the never ending dust created by the builders, unpacked my case, put more washing on and just put dinner on. There are plenty of things that need doing but they will have to wait. I just don't have the energy.

I've got to make myself scarce tomorrow as S is ripping part of the kitchen out. So I'm having my hair done ready for a night out tomorrow - hopefully I will find some energy from somewhere :)

Ill try to catch up with you all tomorrow x

PS - Casper is back to fighting fit, yay

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