Small Skipper

A relatively normal start to today other than the fact that I watched last night's game and almost made myself miss the train. I had to walk much faster than I like to, and made it onto the platform at the same time as the train. I then had the opportunity to sit on it for around 10-15 minutes and read whilst we waited for them to find a guard! 

A normal visit to my Dad - a bit of tidying up to do, and he wanted something ordering for one of those catalogues that target retired people. Painkilling CBD patches! One of his neighbours has them and swears by them so he's decided he wants to try them.

Brian collected me and we stopped in Branston to visit a little community garden. It's not very well maintained unfortunately, but there were many bees and a few butterflies around these plants. This is the only shot of mine that worked even a little and it was definitely luck, not judgment! It was very breezy and the gorgeous white-tail bees were extremely active. This butterfly sat still for a few seconds and the breeze blew the blossom into focus as I clicked. I love how the back of the butterfly's head looks like a cat's face!

I'm at work tonight. It was meant to be my last night for the week but I will be working tomorrow. And as far as I can tell, most nights next week too. Hekmat is being really nice to me. He's never horrible, but there is a little bit of creeping going on I think! I will make it clear that I'm happy to help while he finds and trains yet another new person who will probably only stick it for a few months. But I don't want full-time hours permanently! 

I have said I can't do Thursday or Sunday next week. We are going to watch Wigan on Thursday - the game was initially meant to be on a Sunday but was switched to the Thursday by Sky as they want to televise it. We already had the tickets, having got them as part of a deal - buy a ticket for the Hull FC game, get the Hull KR ticket half-price! Fortunately Brian managed to charm his boss into giving him a long weekend off, and as I was told two weeks ago that my regular hours would not include Thursday we are able to go ahead! Here's to more happy coincidences getting us to games!

I must find a belt for my trousers before tonight. They are pretty loose and I was constantly hitching them up last night. I had this dread that they would go all the way down and trip me up as I was dishing up a big tray of kebab and Hekmat would walk in and find me on the floor, face down in the meat and garlic mayo with my trousers round my ankles!

I ended up with 23000 steps yesterday!

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