Strike that. Reverse it!



Mr F's birthday. Its been a lovely day today and Mr F seems very happy with his birthday so far. So pleased everything has worked out well, I'd been worried about today for quite a while.

Mikey had a full day preparing for his communion and learning the liturgical dance at church today. We went to see them do a run through of the two dances at the end of the day. His second dance "testify" was very amazing, I think all the mums needed their tissues. I have a feeling next weeks First Communion is going to be very emotional. I'm so proud of all the kids who are taking their communion, they have done so well. Its such a big thing and they seem to all be very enthusiastic about it even after all these weeks of preparing. The catechist are so good with the children though and make it such a great programme.

I'd been really worried how Mikey being away all day would affect Pauls birthday as it meant we couldnt go away or have a day out but luckily it all worked out better than I could have hoped. Huge relief :0)

Going to watch a film now and enjoy the rest of Mr F's birthday. Tomorrow we are taking Mikey to see Iron Man 3 as a birthday treat, cant wait. Hope you've all had a great Saturday xxx

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