The Magic Hummingbird Feather

The day after the perfect summer day found me unable to move my hands above my head, sunburned, and bug-bitten. I had spent far too long on my floatie, and the sunblock I wore apparently didn't block it all out. For I was PINK. And WARM. But these were worthy sacrifices on the altar of the perfect summer day.

So I went and sat in the side yard in the morning to recuperate a little and watch the hummingbirds, which become very, very active this time of year, as they fuel up and pack on weight so they can make their long journey south.

The monarda blooms are still nice and big and red and that is primarily where they like to play. We also have two feeders out that I keep clean and full all summer, one in the meadow and one over our deck, where I can see it from my kitchen chair.

The little birds were squeaking and chirping, and I wasn't even bothering to take any pictures, I was just watching and enjoying. Knowing these delights will come to an end makes the sweetness a little bitter at the edges, but the sweet middle part even sweeter, if you follow. As the Bard once said, This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong, To love that well which thou must leave ere long.

And then, as I sat there feeling both happy and a little bit wistful, a tiny feather wafted down from the sky. It must have been from one of our hummingbirds. I picked it up and snapped a few pictures of it, admiring the gradations in color throughout the shaft, the softness of the fuzz on the end.

As I picked it up, I had a happy thought: that this is a MAGIC feather, and that I can use it now to SUMMON my hummingbirds, even if they are far away. I would not ever put them in peril, oh no, because they leave when they need to, to preserve their species. But what a joyful thought, that I could have a special way to reach out to them, and so here is my magic feather to represent this day.

Now, I wanted something from SUMMON, since this is a magic summoning feather. So I picked Sting's Ten Summoner's Tales. (And perhaps THIS is MY summoner's tale.) Here is a good one from it: If I Ever Lose My Faith in You. For an extra-fun boost, here's Vince Gill to sing it with him.

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