Crouching Tiger, Hidden Fawn

When I go on my walk, one of the things I do is that I remove stuff from the road. Sometimes I move rocks or sticks or other things - let's keep the way straight, people! - and sometimes it is dead bodies. (*sigh* Once a manager of access, apparently ALWAYS a manager of access; though my prior career had plenty of challenges, it never involved actual dead body removal.)

So it was that on a sunny summer morning a month or more ago, I was looking for a place to toss the remains of a rather large, extremely deceased groundhog. I walked up a hill I often walk, holding the poor thing gingerly by the tail, hoping against hope that nobody would see me. (Hi! Just taking my pet groundhog for a walk! No, he's NOT feeling or looking very well today. A couple of aspirins and he'll be right as rain!)

As I went to toss it into the hedges at the corner of Stonerow and Cornfield Lanes, I looked into the hedge to discover a white-tailed deer looking right back at me! That is how I discovered this secret hiding spot, where the deer like to hang out in the mornings, in the shade.

On this particular morning, I looked into the hedges to discover not just one but three deer faces looking back at me. To the right, out of scene, is the mother doe. To the left is a fawn with spots. Behind and to the right is another deer, but I can't see enough detail to tell if it is another adult or another fawn.

I stopped and snapped a few photos, hoping I wouldn't disturb the trio. And I didn't. They sat quietly and remained there after I walked away, safe in their little hidey-hole. I laughed to think that it needed a sign: Fawn Parking, five cents, three-hour limit!

T. Tiger was not actually with me, but I thought that adding a tiger to the title of this made it sound more interesting! My soundtrack song is Sheryl Crow, with Safe and Sound, from the 9/11 Tribute to Heroes. It was recorded on September 21, 2001, and I do recommend the double-CD set. (Yes, I remember watching the whole show live!)

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