Water nymphs

Well today was meant to be a leisurely sort of day and in some ways it was but we seemed to fit a lot in!  Looking for somewhere cool we headed to Glengariff woods. The picnic area was heaving with families and their stuff but we went deep into the woods and met hardly a soul. The river was of course unusually low but there were pockets of cool deep water and yes, we did! Photo curtesy of Himself. It was truly blissful and cold, with little catfish nibbling our toes. Later we had a swim in Kitchen Cove which again was really busy but good to see so many people of all ages just enjoying the simple pleasures. The water is a heavenly 18C at the moment! 
After supper, the urge took us to go to the end of the peninsula and walk out to the lighthouse. The sun was on its way down and the colours were vivid. Out in the sea we could see lots of pods of dolphins and a lone yacht. We watched the sun disappear and then turned to retrace our steps when ...... we realised an enormous moon had risen!  A magical moment and the sheep looked quite impressed too. Another fabulous day. 

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