
The day seemed to be another full one!  We swam in the Kitchen in the morning then Will wanted to go down to Baltimore - his destination this tiny cove near the beacon, all azures and rusts.  Himself opted out as it was roasting and i was a moaning Minnie as I knew it would be rammed. Baltimore itself was full of people wearing red (no not a Kate Bush thing) and sporting pink balloons -they piled into boats and hurtled out of the harbour, a fund raiser for cancer research I think. We went to the beacon though and it was just us, a cow, lads below on the rocks and a man sunbathing. The views were mighty - that's Sherkin Island in the background. We admired the beacon, walked through the heather to the cove - as you can see access is tricky and the descent was not elegant but the water was scrumptious.  Will saw a strange thing that he said looked like a condom with a red berry in it. Later googling proved it to be some sort of salp , a sort of sea squirt.
On our return Will rustled up a delicious green Thai curry in honour of my birthday - not officially for a month yet but we shall be in New Zealand!  We watched Power of the Dog again (two out of three of us enjoyed it) then we strolled down tot he Kitchen to see if there was any phosphorescence. The tide was way way out and an enormous moon was rising. We scanned the skies for the Perseid meteor shower  at its peek now. Usually the skies are too cloudy but today it was so bright - we did see one streak through the sky.

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