Lake Hayes

Monday and the weather predicted on The Boss's iPhone was wrong. Well actually the forecast changed over night so the day dawned (Thanks Dawn) and walking with The B team was ON!
At this time of the year the colours at Lake Hayes (near the famous Arrowtown) can be very good and so it was when we arrived. There is a very good walking track that completely encircles the lake and after the walk there was the Arrowtown Ice Cream shop (for THEM not ME). It was disgusting to hear The Boss waxing lyrical about the pootle he got with bits of crunchy caramel in it. At times I have deep concerns about the "B" teams objectives but at least I am true to the cause. I just walk!!!

Paw note...Not that I wouldn't be quite prepared to scoff ice cream or coffee or anything else that was going but I am strong and still the same weight as always.
Heh heh heh

You can just make out H and S walking on the track. The rest of the group was well ahead. Photographers and their dogs always seem to be last in the bunch for some reason. Sigh

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