Mini Meadow on the turn

I took a grumpy walk up to the next village this morning to sort out what was happening to the way we paid for our treatment at our dental practice. I will not bore you with the details but it did feel like were left with little choice at a time when dentists are as rare as hen's teeth.  Grumble over.

Tony and I tackled the willow arch after lunch.  It has put on serious growth and we could see its branches from the upstairs window so it has had a trim and Tony now has a bunch of willow stems to use for his peas next year.

I took some time out to record the progress of the mini meadow, something I do regularly so I can compare what grows year on year.  The meadow is going over now although there are still some plants flowering.  I quite like the mix of seed pods, dried grasses and flowers at this time.  The chicory was still a buzz with all kinds of bugs, hoverflies and bees.  

The three Hobblers who turned out tonight were feeling very tired so what began as a hobble turned in to a pleasant walk in the sunshine around the estate. 

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